Caroline Myss
Caroline Myss
4.7 (13,007 ratings)
Caroline Myss was born on December 2, 1952 in Chicago, and grew up with her parents, and two brothers, one elder and one younger, in the Melrose Park, Illinois neighbourhood near Chicago. Caroline was raised a Catholic, and attended the Mother Guerin High School, River Grove, Illinois, run by the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana in 1974, and started her career in journalism in Chicago. In the course of her career, she interviewed Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M. D., the author of the famous book, On Death and Dying, which inspired her to pursue a Master's degree in theology from Mundelein College, Chicago, which sh via goodreads
Relationships, Parenting & Personal Development
Health & Wellness
Religion & Spirituality

Listen to Caroline Myss

Anatomy of the Spirit (Sample)

